Practice examples

Scotland Performs: Scotland’s National Performance Framework was introduced by the incoming SNP administration in 2007. The new government was keen to clearly articulate its purpose and at the same time, the head of the civil service in Scotland sought to simplify the mechanisms of government. This led to the introduction of the distinctive outcomes-based National Performance Framework and the abolition of ‘departments’ within the Scottish Government, which were replaced with 37 directorates reporting to six Director Generals. Together, these changes aim to encourage a joined up approach to public policy and a focus on outcomes rather than process and inputs. The National Performance Framework, now in its fourth parliamentary term, focuses the public sector in Scotland on five strategic objectives, 16 underlying outcomes and 55 progress indicators. Carnegie UK Trust research has demonstrated that the National Performance Framework, is a world-leading example of a wellbeing approach to government albeit with opportunities for improvement. A key recommendation of the Trust was for the Framework to be given statutory status. This was realised through the introduction of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, which enshrines the National Performance Framework in legislation. This will ensure that the framework will outlive the current Government, placing a duty on Scottish Ministers to consult on, determine and publish national outcomes for Scotland and to regularly report on progress.

Single Shared Assessment Dundee City Council & NHS Tayside: Dundee city Council and NHS Tayside are jointly responsible for the care of older people in Dundee however prior to a service redesign decisions about appropriate involved a number of different agencies and multiple assessments. The result was duplication of information gathered, delays in service provision and resource issues. In addition each organisation worked to different targets and budgets. To develop a shared assessment system the Council and NHS deployed some of the principles outlined above. Measures that mattered to service users were identified and data on these collected – highlighting areas for improvement. The teams identified that existing targets encouraged them to focus on assessment rather than the end outcome: care for older people. By focusing on what mattered to end users rather than the targets the Council and NHS were able to develop a shared assessment process that was significantly improved.


Can targets be replaced by purpose?


Alternatives to ‘traditional’ commissioning and contracting models (Copy)