Who we are
The Better Way is a network of people working together to improve services, build strong communities and bring about a fairer society.
People come to our network for a variety of reasons: to gain and share ideas, to pause and reflect, to make new connections and meet people from different sectors, and to work with others to build momentum for wider change.
We welcome anyone who is attracted by our thinking, people at the frontline of practice as well as thought leaders from across public, private and voluntary spheres.
We have also found we gain a great deal by bringing people together from different backgrounds and with different life experiences. The greater our diversity, in every sense, the more we learn from each other and by joining forces we’re more likely to achieve the change we want to see.
Our network started in England but, now that our meetings are mostly online, people across the UK and beyond are joining in and all are very welcome.
As of May 2024, we have over 1,400 people in our network.
What people say about our network
‘A feeling of solidarity’
‘Music for the heart, brain and soul’
‘An opportunity to get under the skin of many of the more difficult issues with a group of amazingly diverse and talented people’
‘Connections: emotional, to stop me feeling isolated and ‘work/ voluntary wise’, to listen to the great ideas and people’
‘A breadth of positions, experience and perspectives’
‘Properly trying to understand power sharing as a way to shift society’
‘The network holds a space for folk doing all kinds of things - from grass roots to government - to come together to contribute to its meetings in a coordinated and consolidated way’
‘Being able to step back from the day to day - every time I engage it reminds me I need to do so much more. It’s a starting point to act for what I and colleagues have been feeling for a long time’
Our convenors
Arvinda Gohil and Will Nicholson are the national co-convenors.
Arvinda Gohil
Arvinda Gohil brings experience of working in the housing, homelessness, charity and social enterprise sectors. Recent roles include Chief Executive of Central YMCA, Community Links in Newham, and Emmaus UK.
She has been an active member of the Better Way network since its inception.
She is currently Chair of the Future Economy Alliance, and is a Board member at Sanctuary Housing Group where she Chairs its subsidiary Swan. She is also a Trustee at Voluntary Action Camden and Board director at the Conduit.
Contact: arvindagohil@betterway.network
Will Nicholson
Will Nicholson is a consultant, strategic advisor, social entrepreneur, super-connector and catalyst supporting collaborative working across sectors.
He is passionate about social change using appreciative, asset-based approaches that empower by delivering through others, support self-management and are founded on deep, trusted relationships.
He took on the role of Better Way co-co-convenor in June 2024.
Contact: willnicholson@betterway.network
Our core group
Our core group consists of our convenors, founding members and others who are taking a leading role in the network. It acts as a sounding board for our work.
Caroline Slocock
Founding member, former co-convenor, and Chair of the core group.
Founding Director of the think tank Civil Exchange, which hosts the network.
Cate Newnes-Smith
CEO, Surrey Youth Focus
David Robinson
Founding Member
Founder of Community Links and now at the Relationships Project
James Perry
Founding Member
Founder of social enterprise COOK and promoter of BCorps
Professor Mark Gamsu
Founding Member
Leeds Beckett University, member of Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group, and Chair of Citizens Advice Sheffield
Polly Neate
CEO, Shelter
Sue Tibballs
CEO, the Sheila McKechnie Foundation
Steve Wyler
Founding Member and former co-convenor.
Independent consultant, researcher, and writer in the social sector.
Laura Seebohm
Former convenor of North of England.
CEO, Wearside Women in Need
Dr Sarah Hughes
CEO, Mind
Karin Woodley
CEO of Cambridge House, Board member of the Office of the Public Guardian, Chair of the Race Equality Foundation
Alison Navarro
Former co-convenor.
Programme Director (Race Equality Hub) at Liverpool City Regional Combined Authority
Sonya Ruparel
CEO, Women in Prison
Our partners
The network is hosted by Civil Exchange. We are currently funded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation.
We are also grateful for past support from Carnegie UK, the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, the John Ellerman Foundation, and Power to Change.
Our allies for change
The Better Way network is part of a broader eco-system of people and organisations who are working to create positive social change. If you are interested in our work, these connections are also worth exploring:
If you'd like to join us, or find out more about the network, please click here.