Is there a Better Way for adult social care, and how can we achieve it? Do join us on Tuesday 2nd November, 3.00-5.00, at our on-line roundtable to discuss this.
We’ll be hearing from people who are actively trying to re-imagine social care; and we’ll be discussing whether the Better Way model - listening to each other, particularly to those least heard; putting relationships first; sharing and building power; and joining forces across the system – can help others to do so, too.
Our speakers will include:
Neil Crowther, who will talk about Social Care Futures’ vision and the need for a different kind of narrative about social care.
Clare Wightman from Grapevine Coventry and Warwickshire, who will tell us about their work with people with lived experience and public sector partners to design a new form of adult social care in Coventry.
Stephan Liebrecht, Director of Adult Social Care at Barking and Dagenham, who will speak about how they are listening to people with lived experience and forging a very different kind of partnership with the social sector.
Other participants will include policy-makers, practitioners and people with lived experience, and there will be plenty of opportunity for you to share your ideas, experiences and views. We’d love to hear from you.
If you would like to reserve a place you can either fill out our booking form here or contact If you can’t make this time, but would like to see a video of the speakers, let us know.
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