The change we want to see


 We simply cannot go on as we are

While there is much to be proud of, our society, our communities, our services and institutions are just not working well enough for everyone in this country. 

  • We live in an ‘us and them’ society, where other people are seen as the problem.

  • Deep-seated inequalities and injustices continue, but are swept under the carpet.

  • Too many people and places are ignored and left behind, and it is they who suffered most in the pandemic.

  • When people need help in their lives, services and systems too often let them down.

  • From food poverty to climate change, we address things only when they’re in crisis.

But if we change the way we work, together we can build a fairer and more inclusive society in which everyone can enjoy a good life:

A ‘Bigger We’ where:

  • Everyone is heard and believed in, given a fair opportunity to thrive, and the ability to influence the things that matter to them.

  • Every community comes together, looks out for each other, respects difference, and enables everyone to belong.

  • Society as a whole values and invests in everyone and in every community.

We know from the deep experience of people across our network that all of this is possible and, together, we have distilled some principles for what needs to change and a model for how to get there.

Below are our eight principles for a Better Way. Click each image to learn more.




to bring about a fairer society

 It is not only what we do, but also how

Behaviours for a Better Way:


Any of these can be the starting point, but doing them together will make each more effective. You can find out more about this thinking in Time for a Change.

Discussions with our members have revealed many things that can be done to work in this way:

These insights are set out in Building a Bigger We, together with thoughts on three cross-cutting questions we’ve been exploring:

  • What kind of leaders should we be?

  • How can we unlock our humanity and imagination?

  • How can we remove the roadblocks?

You’ll also find 36 essays from network members which bring all these ideas to life.

And finally …

Better Way members do not pretend to have all the answers, or even to know fully where their efforts will lead. We challenge ourselves as a network, and have drawn up a Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion strategy and action plan to improve the ways we work. This is a journey of discovery without pre-determined outcomes: we travel with others hopefully, trusting others to help us achieve a better result.


Would you like to help build a Better Way?

 We're continuing to explore how to do these things well, as well as investigating new ideas.

If you'd like to find out more or join us, please click here.